Job Descriptions


  1. Set the calendar for meetings with the Athletic Director.
  2. Set agenda and circulate agenda with notice of meeting to Board Members in advance. Provide background material in advance. Provide background material on agenda items. Preside over meetings.
  3. Shall be a member of all committees.
  4. Assure each chairperson of all committees has received an orientation to the position along with a copy of the job description and has a clear understanding of their job assignments.
  5. Shall be the official spokesman for the Panther Booster Club.
  6. Shall be a co-signer for checks.
  7. Keep a contact list updated for the board.
  8. Insure that the Booster Club has completed all necessary tax forms, audits, and paperwork with the State of Washington.
  9. Encourage committee chairs to fulfill their duties and recognize volunteers appropriately.
  10. Serve on the Hall of Fame committee.

Vice President

  1. Chair the nominating and scholarship committees.
  2. Serve as President in the event of the absence of the President.
  3. Prepare to serve as President after two terms by the current President.


  1. Transact and record all financial business on behalf of the Panther Booster Club. Present financial report at each Board meeting.
  2. Make payment for all debts subsequent to approval by the Board of Directors.
  3. Maintain compliance with all accounting procedures as approved by the Board.
  4. Shall be an authorized co-signer for checks.
  5. Shall work with and oversee the assistant treasurer.
  6. Pick up mail from Booster Club Post Office box twice every week and deliver to Athletic Office.
  7. Assure appropriate financial statements are prepared for the IRS990 Tax Return.


  1. Attend meetings and take written minutes (either on paper or electronically).
  2. Use email to distribute minute to all Board Directors within one week of the meeting.
  3. Maintain a written record of Booster Club minutes for each academic year.
  4. Upload monthly minutes and announcements to the Booster Club website.

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Panther Athletic Booster Club President 

Ivy Murray (509) 630-9975


PO Box 2404
Wenatchee, WA 